
World of warships carrier where to aim
World of warships carrier where to aim

In the OTL she reversed course, as ordered, back to Japan on the night of Dec.6-7'41 without any knowledge of the soon upcoming air raids on Pearl Harbor (PH). In the OTL her voyage, as requested as part of a trade of repatriation voyages made by the Americans, she was scheduled to arrive at Honolulu on Dec.8'41, thus helping to lull the Americans there into a false sense of security. He suggests instead that the planned (but fake) repatriation voyage of the Tatuta Maru to Honolulu be used as a "cover story". Genda convinces Yamamoto that his approval to allow the 5 IJN minisubs to attempt penetration of Pearl Harbor before the 2 Kido Butai air attack waves go in greatly risks the surprise REQUIRED for those air attacks to succeed. First, the point of departure (PoD) from the historical timeline.

World of warships carrier where to aim